
Dear... whatever your name is,

You drive me insane! I look for you in the faces of everyone I meet. And somehow I still don't know who I'm looking for... yet I try to find you. Yeah, I've met others... but somehow none of them are you. How do I know? Well, it's gonna sound selfish, shallow and like every other thing that is attributed to the bridge breaker, but they are all disposable relationships. I know, I'm a jerk, right? Well, I hope you see through that. 'Cause the truth is, I already have a deep love that can't be broken for you.

whatever my name is.


The Heart (A string of random thought)

Content of heart.
Is it not just tissues and blood?
The heart is the basis of our living.
Why do we live?
This is why we attribute our hearts to desires.
It's the desires that give us something to live for/towards.
If Christ is "in your heart" that is your purpose of life.