
Double Date?

So I went on a "double date" tonight. It wasn't so much a date as two guys hanging out with two girls. HAH. It was cool though. Tristin, John and Courtney are really cool people. I'm glad to know them. We saw Jekeyll and Hyde the Musical. It was awesome. They had two sex scenes though... I wasn't happy about that but  now that I think about it I believe it was necessary for the story. Then we went to Steak 'n Shake and gave Courtney a hard time about a certain issue. John Wommack checked out some guy in drag and tried to gouge out his eyes immediately upon realization that it was a guy. Tristin had square sandwiches that were really triangle. and I believe in unity sex restrooms. It was a good time. 

Harvest Fest is coming up and I won't be able to enjoy it. I have to run camera... what ev, right?


On Tuesday night Luke, Jeremy, Zach and I were up until three in the morning discussing three theological beliefs.

They were:
Did God create Sin
Can one "lose" "salvation"
Are we predestined to make the decisions we do?
Here are my beliefs on the topics.
God did not create sin, sin was created by Lucifer, who was created by God. God created a being who had freedom of choice. Why did God give us freedom is a whole other thing but to touch on it I think it's because praise from someone who is doing it freely and by choice is worth so much more than forced praise.


I believe salvation can be lost. Once again God gave us freedom of choice. I believe that someone who is a true Christian will never choose to walk away from God, but it can/does happen.
Hebrews 10:26-27,29. For if we sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries. . . How much worse punishment do you think will be deserved by the man who has spurned the Son of God, and profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and outraged the Spirit of grace?

I don't believe God has our whole lives planned out for us, I simply believe He knows what we are going to do. But when it comes down to it the choice is still ours.